
Camera Crew Headsets

Camera crew headsets are an essential part of any camera crew’s toolkit. They allow for communication between the director, producers and other members of the production team during filming or in post-production. Headsets typically have a microphone and either one or two earpieces that can be adjusted to fit comfortably on the user’s head. Most […]

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Kayak Camera Mount

Kayak Camera Mount: Kayak camera mounts are used to attach cameras to kayaks, allowing users to capture hands-free photos and videos while they’re paddling. They come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the type of camera being used. Generally speaking, most mounts consist of an adjustable clamp that attaches to a kayak’s railing or

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Axis Camera Mounts

Axis Camera Mounts are an innovative, versatile and secure solution for mounting network cameras. They come in a variety of styles to fit most camera models and provide secure mounting options that can be customized to meet the specific needs of any surveillance system or installation. Axis Camera Mounts allow for flexible positioning so that

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