West Quoddy Head Light Photos

West Quoddy Head Light, in Lubec, Maine is one of the most photographed lighthouses in the United States. It was built in 1808 and stands on a stone foundation along with its red-roofed keeper’s house. The light has been automated since 1988 and is still maintained by the U.S Coast Guard as an active aid to navigation.

Photos of West Quoddy Head Light show a picturesque white tower surrounded by evergreens and cobblestone paths that lead up to it. On clear days, you can even see Canada across the bay from atop this lighthouse! Its bright red roof makes for some stunning photos at sunset or sunrise when contrasted against the blue sky and sea below.

Additionally, during foggy days—when there may be low visibility out on boats—the West Quoddy Head Light serves as an important visual guide for mariners!

West Quoddy Head Light is one of the most iconic lighthouses in America, with its famously bright red and white stripes. It’s a popular destination for photographers and sightseers alike — if you’re looking to capture some of the best photos of this famous lighthouse, West Quoddy Head Light is definitely worth a visit! From sweeping views across Cobscook Bay to close-up shots of the intricate brickwork, there are plenty of stunning photo opportunities here that will make your camera roll even brighter.

West Quoddy Head Light Lubec Maine

Why is It Called West Quoddy Head?

West Quoddy Head is located in Lubec, Maine and is the eastern-most point of land in the United States. The name “Quoddy” comes from a Native American word meaning “bend in the water”. This makes sense when you look at this place as it is situated on a peninsula that juts out into the North Atlantic Ocean, giving it an almost 90 degree bend.

As for why it’s called West Quoddy Head specifically, there are two theories: one suggests that because of its location to other points on the Eastern Coast, it was simply referred to as “the westernmost headland” and eventually transformed into West Quoddy Head; while another suggests that ships travelling up or down the coast would use this spot as their turning point before heading east or west respectively – hence why they named it West Quoddy Head.

Why was West Quoddy Head Lighthouse Built?

West Quoddy Head lighthouse was built in 1808 due to the growing maritime activity in Lubec, Maine. The area had become an important port of entry for travelers and ships carrying goods from Europe and other parts of the United States. The two-story white tower with a red roof stood at 59 feet tall, making it one of the tallest lighthouses on the East Coast.

It served as a beacon to warn sailors away from dangerous rocks, shallow waters, or any other potential hazards that could cause them harm while navigating around Passamaquoddy Bay. Over time, its importance has only grown as boats have increased in size and number, creating even more need for precision navigation along this stretch of waterway.

Where is the Sunrise in Lubec Maine?

The sunrise in Lubec Maine can be seen from the sandy beaches along the shoreline. From here, you can watch as the sun rises above Cobscook Bay and illuminates the small town of Lubec with its warm light. It’s a beautiful sight to behold and is best enjoyed early in the morning when there are fewer people around.

The best spots to view this magnificent display are Quoddy Head State Park, West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, and Eastport Breakwater. So grab your camera or just enjoy it with your own eyes – either way, you won’t regret taking some time out of your day to witness one of nature’s most awe-inspiring shows!

West Quoddy Head Light Photos

Credit: en.wikipedia.org

West Quoddy Head Station

West Quoddy Head Station is the easternmost lighthouse in the United States. Located in Lubec, Maine, this striking red and white striped tower has been guiding vessels since 1808. The station includes a keeper’s quarters, oil house, fog signal building and brick walkway with benches for visitors to enjoy stunning views of the Bay of Fundy and Canada’s Grand Manan Island.

Tourists are able to visit West Quoddy Head Station year round; however it is especially popular during summer months when visitors can watch ships pass by as they take in breathtaking sunsets over the horizon.

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse Facts

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse is located in Lubec, Maine and is the easternmost lighthouse in the United States. Built in 1808, it has guided ships safely along their journeys for over two centuries. The light originally used whale oil to power its lamps but was later converted to electricity after the arrival of electric lighting in 1858.

It stands at a height of 49 feet tall with an octagonal tower and red lantern room that can be seen from up to 12 miles away!

West Quoddy Head State Park

West Quoddy Head State Park is a small oceanfront park located on the easternmost point of the United States in Lubec, Maine. It’s home to an iconic red and white lighthouse, stunning coastal views, and plenty of wildlife. Visitors can take part in various activities such as hiking, fishing, kayaking or simply relax and enjoy the scenery.

The park also provides educational programs about local history and marine ecology during certain times of year. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful getaway or some outdoor recreation opportunities West Quoddy Head State Park has something for everyone!

East Quoddy Head Lighthouse

East Quoddy Head Lighthouse is located in the small Canadian fishing village of Campobello Island, New Brunswick. It was built in 1808 and is one of the oldest lighthouses on the Bay of Fundy. The lighthouse stands 24 meters tall and offers panoramic views of Grand Manan Island and its surrounding waters.

Its beacon can be seen up to 22 nautical miles away! This iconic landmark is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming from all over to admire its beauty and snap photos.

West Quoddy Head Map

West Quoddy Head is located in the easternmost point of the United States, on Lubec, Maine. It’s a popular stop for tourists looking to catch a glimpse of Canada from the other side of Passamaquoddy Bay. The West Quoddy Head Map is an easy-to-use map that helps travelers navigate their way around this beautiful area.

With it, you can explore nearby towns and find out what attractions they have to offer. As the only lighthouse in America with red and white stripes, West Quoddy Head Lighthouse makes for an unforgettable sight as well!

West Quoddy Trail

The West Quoddy Trail is a unique hiking experience located in Lubec, Maine. This 7-mile loop trail offers breathtaking views of the rugged coastline and many opportunities to view wildlife in its natural habitat, including seals, bald eagles, and even moose! With several sections of rocky paths along the way and plenty of lookouts for beautiful vistas, this trail is sure to provide an unforgettable outdoor adventure.

Lubec Lighthouse

The Lubec Lighthouse is located in Lubec, Maine, overlooking the entrance to Cobscook Bay. It is an iconic symbol of the town’s maritime history and has been guiding ships since 1808. The lighthouse stands 40 feet tall and houses a third-order Fresnel lens that emits its signature red light every three seconds.

In 1994, the light was automated and still operates today as a private aid to navigation for vessels entering or leaving Cobscook Bay.

West Quoddy Head Webcam

The West Quoddy Head Webcam is a live streaming webcam located in Lubec, Maine that offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and its surroundings. The camera provides an interactive window into nature’s beauty with spectacular sunrises, sunsets and everything in between. It also captures amazing wildlife sightings such as bald eagles, osprey, seals and more – all from the comfort of your own home!


The West Quoddy Head Light is truly a sight to behold. With its unique red and white stripes, it stands out among the many other lighthouses in Maine. The photos of this iconic landmark provide an insightful look into what makes it so special.

From the stunning views of the ocean and surrounding area to the history behind this lighthouse, there’s something for everyone here. Whether you’re looking for a beautiful view or some interesting facts about Maine’s oldest lighthouse, West Quoddy Head Light will surely leave you with unforgettable memories!

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